Saturday, April 20, 2013

Halfway to Boston

iStatic - ©William Evertson 2009

There have been more than a few times where I have been transfixed by the repetitive flicker of images on the TV screen.  All too often the electrons form into images of violence.  The events that recently transpired in Boston were just one more in a succession of the terror we inflict upon each other. Now the speculations concerning motives will eat up our news cycle until the next senseless violent act takes center stage.

All that to say for my little piece of this story, I was preparing for a bit of fun in Boston that was ruined. I was preparing to promote the art world based comic that I produce with collaborator Susan Shulman at Boston's ComicCon.

Already earlier in the week the marathon bombers had wrecked their havoc and once again our lives were altered.  People are resilient, Boston is resilient and life goes on, and with a heavy heart we continued our plans. By yesterday (Friday) things again had taken a turn for the worse with more death, a shootout with police and an entire city in lock down.

All day we waited along with thousands of others hoping that no more had to be victims in this drama. I was caught up in my own little drama of waiting to see if the event organizers would cancel. Their Facebook page was divided among those who didn't want to be cowed by the terror and those urging the prudence of cancellation in the face of the unprecedented "shelter in place" order and closing of all mass transit.

By 3pm it seemed as if the comiccon was still on and after checking with our hotel I set off for the two hour drive to Boston. Halfway there I got a text from my son; The Hynes convention center pulled the plug on events. I cancelled our hotel, turned around and headed home.  Probably for the best because my mood was foul and my heart was heavy; not where I needed to be when exhibiting or promoting art.
As most everyone know by now, the "shelter in place" was lifted and soon after more drama as the second bomber was eventually taken into custody amidst the largest police presence I've ever seen.

Today my heart is still heavy as I contemplate those who died, those who suffered massive injury, those whose lives are never to be the same because of this.

I'll got back into the studio today and begin new works of art and attempt to process the violence in our world.

1 comment:

Roberta Warshaw said...

Hope you can come back soon!