Wednesday, June 25, 2008

I had this great idea after posting on Victoria's Horse Wisdom site.
Follow her example and make a post about my work space. Hers' is
serene, mine chaos. I thought what a great counterpoint. So, of 
course the blogging demon has been screwing with my attempts to 
post. I just hope this is the last time I'm going to reconstruct this
train of thought. My studio-just a computer and a window to
stare out of. A printer, scanner, a slide to digital converter and 
a chair. But, I'm out of control in the picking up after projects
department. Just scroll down and you will see that all is not 
serene with the guy who loves a great zen meditation.

Now, the table is an heirloom.  Made by my great-great
grandfather. Passed down and restored when my son and I 
stripped the original finish which turned very soft in the 
summer humidity and exposed the wonderful chestnut
underneath. But, I confess when I run out of space I
turn to the dining room table. This time to make a quick 
sign for a friend. I can't paint letters to save my life.

My shop is no better-total chaos after two back to back
projects; there is no time to clean and pick up.

A further example of my lack of discipline, the basement.
I haven't picked up my workspace here since getting ready 
for the art fair. This is the area I use for matting and shrink-wrapping.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Falling Monks

Yes there are falling leaves and there are falling Monks.  In Zen tradition
 there are many Monks who fail to understand. I only pick upon 
this due to my commitment to understand the differences in religious 

Friday, June 13, 2008


First off - Thanks to everyone for holding my hand through my own hand wringing
of late.  "Art Contemplations" took a back seat for awhile.  I was wrestling with
some thorny personal preferences.  I should know better.  I've made the decisions
that place me here and now.  I pursued art; gave up on it once and am back for 
a second round.  Trouble is, these rounds last years.  If you have followed this blog
for awhile you must realize my infatuation with Zen koans.  Of late my life 
seems to encompass "The great way is not difficult if you just don't pick and
choose." (Sengcan)  It's difficult to accept where you are, especially if it's 
not where you want to be.  If I look back, I realize I am here.  Everything
leads to this place. Every decision from the time I was able to make decisions.
I link to Horse Wisdom  because whether we are talking horses, art or life; we 
are speaking about a mindful life - full of the unexpected - full of love.
My work today is far removed from this picture.  This is an installation piece
where I created  a maze to follow to the main gallery.   Thank you for curators
who are open to the new. I need to find a few more.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Over the Top

So how did it go you ask?  Was it worthwhile?  I'm not  sure.
The set up went well and I had a location that was near the entrance.
I was next to one of our towns treasures - Elizabeth Sennentt. (sorry no web presence)  Gorgeous works in oil and watercolor - a local legend and a very gratuitous 
woman.  I didn't sell a single piece.  Yet, I have this nice third place ribbon and
a check for $50.  I had so many people pass asking how these images were 
produced and after explaining - there was still - is that possible look.   Why
should I be afraid?  I've spent eight years learning Photoshop, plus I still 
continue my sumi-e and other traditional techniques.  We went from the 
60's yesterday to over 90 and humid today.  K and I are melted. Time for
some extreme iced wine.

This is my set up.  Praise be to having worked as a framer for so many years.  If I
 had to pay someone to frame all this stuff I'd be in deep crap.  I've been framing,
cutting mats, shrink wrapping and generally not sleeping for the last couple of weeks.  I'm not 
sure if this will pay off, but todays experience was positive.  Even people I'm 
friends with were amazed with the depth of my work (frankly some were unaware
of what I'm up to)  Yieks - I'm so bad at marketing.  The big bright side was my
friend Teri  coming over last night to share some wine and distract K and I for an hour.

  • The piece that caught the judge's eye was my work 'Meltdown' : I don't 
  • think I've published this on my blog to date.  I use elements of this 
  • piece as my logo in the blog world.  The piece derives from a difficult
  • period in my art life.  Art life - what is that?  Thats the point where
  •  art can't possibly pay bills and all the nay sayers are pointing fingers
  • at your decisions.  It was a period in NYC that Karen and I lost three
  • great artist friends within a year.  Leukemia, heroin overdose and a 
  • highway fatality.  Yes, NYC seems the art capitol of the world, but we
  • had to retreat - too much pain.  My piece 'Meltdown' remains a 
  • reflection on these emotions.