Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Honey, you left the Vermeer out

Lovely craquelure development

**Nothing like a few days of distractions to make an artist appreciate studio time. Perhaps even the artist's family may prefer the subtle difference between the pacing, talking to oneself passions of the studio to the hair pulling, garment rending mania surrounding home repairs. The craquelure above is not the surface of a 350 year old Vermeer but instead our siding only five years after it's last painting. Luckily my friend Roger is a teacher. And many teachers paint houses to make ends meet during the summer. So while Roger scrapes, I try to stay in front of him repairing rot. (well, and build a table for a client, post a blog and complete some more soldering on my project for Landfill Arts...) I hope this strategy lets me get back to just two jobs a bit sooner.

Blindfold Art - My friend Roger paints a chicken

But, lest anyone think that this house painting isn't a serious business, Roger did have to undergo a thorough training. The blindfold art test being the final exam. (actually we had several couples over for drinks and ended up taking turns at blindfold painting.)

Visit the Eclipse Gallery site - Renovations almost complete!

Of course I can't complain when my friend Sarah Elizabeth, owner of Eclipse Gallery, has been in renovations for almost a year. Sarah is nearing completion and her first exhibition opening is scheduled for August 1st. I will be exhibiting in her second show opening in September; The 50 Artists/ 50 States/ 50 Mediums Show. Please stop by her site for a visit. You can also become a fan of Eclipse on facebook.


Art said...

I amazed you found the time to post. Although you did find time to blindfold people drawing cats, ; P.

Exciting about your show this fall- congratualtions!

Owen said...

Wow, must be quite a house you live in if the wood siding had copies of Vermeers painted on it, that have since cracked up a bit ?!? :-D Not sure I'd want to scrape those off yet, looks like whoever painted them was almost as talented as Vermeer himself... Bon Courage !

Mineke Reinders said...

Love your sense of humor - and the fact that you can see art in the most unlikely of places. Great news about the gallery - good luck with the show in September.

Eclipse Gallery said...

I feel your pain!! Thanks for the shout out about the gallery!! Take care :)

Jennifer Kosharek said...

Hey, I'm in the 50 show too!