Sunday, October 31, 2010

Last Rehearsals

_Kali puppet with Appetite Birdman_
Coming into the final stretch for the Shadow Theater.  With the performance opening on Nov. 3rd. rehearsals will have to wind down. Yet, strange things keep creeping in to this shadow puppet play. The moon will unexpectedly fall from the sky, a mountain range does not want to move into place, Kali does not want to bend her arm. And so it goes, each rehearsal unveiling some mischief that I blame on the demon cut-outs that torment Kali in the final scene. They obviously want more stage time.

Many worlds of thanks to all the wonderful people who have aided me in being able to present this performance art piece. First is the creator of the music, Larry Cohen. It is his original composition that sets the entire mood of the work.  Joan Harrison and fellow curators LuAnn Palazzo for allowing me the opportunity to exhibit. Susan Shulman and Ria Vanden Eynde, my fellow Kali artists who critiqued and offered suggestions. Last but not least my wife Karen, for agreeing to act the part of Kali.
We are dedicating this performance to Karen's mom, Gary, who passed away during the development of this project. We miss you Gary, our true multi-talented Kali goddess.

Editing the Seeking Kali blog submissions
All this takes place at the SAL Gallery on the CW Post campus of Long Island University on Nov. 3rd. The performances and videos are scheduled during the reception which runs from 5pm to 11.

I have also been working on a video of the submissions to the Seeking Kali artist call. The six minute video that will be shown features the 45 musicians, poets and visual artists who have contributed to date. The Seeking Kali artist call runs through the end of December for those interested in making a submission.


Debrina said...

Marvellous, just marvellous, Bill!! Bravo!

Larry said...

The shot is stunning. Though I haven't seen all of the rehearsals I'm sure it's going to be amazing!
As far as the strange things happening with the demons, I think you're right about them. I like playing with the paranormal and unexplained, but I'm not superstitious. Twenty years ago a good friend gave me this horned devil mask from Mexico and every time when it was picked up and moved, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, the strangest things would happen around it. This went on for a longest time and escalated in intensity to the point where I was getting genuinely freaked about it. It culminated the night there was a fire in the bar underneath my loft. I got out with only my guitar and I'm standing outside watching the firemen going through the smoke checking for the spread of the fire, picturing my grand piano and computer with all my work, including a film I was just finishing, going up in flames. Then I imagined that horned, tongued mask presiding over this fiery hell. But it didn't burn down, and right then and ever since I saw it as a protector and it's still with me. Coincidently, nothing strange has happened with it since. It just had to find its place. So don't worry about the demons. Just have fun with them and let the demons do their thing. You know what they say . . If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Have a great time and Happy Halloween!