Chrysler Hubcap
Life is good! I got my hubcap for the Landfillarts project. Be sure to
check out the artist gallery-164 images to date. I didn't see Jafabrits
hubcap posted yet; you'll have to check out her blog to see her art
reclamation. Ken Marquis, the organizer of Landfillart hopes to
find 1000 artists to reclaim hubcaps for art. Ken's goal is to use
any profits from the project to fund reforestation through
Carbonfund.org. Now to the drawing board or shop.

Dad's truck and shop
My father left dust bowl Nebraska, moved east and started
an auto body shop. Long before I knew what art was I was
welding old auto pieces into creations. I shouldered plenty
of chiding from my dad and his brothers. Generally it was
along the lines of if spent as much time on my trade as I did
on junk I might make something of myself. Lol, I think they
may be looking down and probably haven't changed their
minds. Notice our phone number was 38M.
Thanks to Mineke Reinders for the "I Care" keepsake. Mineke
publishes her breathtaking watercolors as well as song and
poetry on an almost daily basis.