Thailand - Cast Buddha head (collection of the artist)
My last couple of posts have touched on my belief in
ignoring group think (ie friends and family) when it
comes to what goes into your art. Unless, of course, it
is a collaboration. I also believe we are more likely
to be inspired when we spend more hours making
art. An artist waiting for inspiration to hit is a
musician that doesn't practice. Our work is our face
to the world.

I'm backing into a topic that was inspired by an e-mail
exchange (cousin of a friend) concerning whether
son a fallback career. Our son attended Berklee and
she wanted the 411 for their college decisions. The
short answer is yes they do, they offer many music
career paths. But my long answer concerned commitment
because like the visual arts, music takes talent, luck and
work, work and more work. No school can prepare you
for an arts career. I hope I didn't put nails in the kids
music coffin. Our son is doing just fine because Berklee
didn't kill his dreams. He works hard at his "other job"
but has a lifetime ahead to work even harder on those
dreams. If you have interests in photography, music
reviews, slam poetry and zombie sightings check out
father but at least his mom is a mental health professional.