Saturday, March 15, 2008


Ixchel or as I call her 'my wife Karen' has been a little  distracted
from her current project.  I know this is very strange but Karen
is a true Goddess that indeed weaves the universe of many souls.
While I spend my time making cabinetry and art she spends her
day overseeing a state mental health program; on call 24/7 and 
tireless advocate for rights of the mentally incapable, as well as
 those that work in that capacity. I'm surprised she has any effort
at the end of the day; yet she sits down to the loom after work
and works for an hour or so. I'm sure I'll never know exactly
 what is going into this shadow weave; read hard to do, I think
it's weaving the universe. I thought maybe the blog was about 
me, but tonight it's more about art pain.


sandy said...

Very interesting seeing her weaving. I have a great internet friend I've known for 10 plus years (never met in person) who lives in Canada, and does both woodworking and weaving.

She shares photos here and there. I bet your wife and she would get along fabulously.

Sounds like she is dedicated in her job too.


laura said...

I don't "know" you wife, Bill, but nonetheless I am in awe of her!

Unknown said...

I would love to see this weave of art when your wife has finished her lovely work.

Weaving is like any form of art like it is with you and your art, and from the looks of her work from this picture here I get the impression that she really has put in much love in her work.